This was a response I sent to a "friend" who was trying to talk trash about my political views.... Another real friend thought I should publish it-- so you're the lucky audience.
I think you need to be careful of attacking someone's relationship with our gracious God because of the way they choose to vote. You say questioning, but your words attacked me. You made me feel as if i'm supposed to be following some rules so I can be Christian enough. Jesus wasn't a republican. Or a democrat. He lived in a dictatorship. But he submitted to one authority. And it wasn't Rome.
Morals matter. But having a republican in the white house for the past 8 years hasn't changed anything in the way of abortion or same-sex marriage. Yes. They are both wrong. Yes. I am against them both. But that doesn't change the fact that the law isn't changing. People get so upset about those two topics and never stop to think that maybe they're NOT the most important issues. Our greatest commandment is to love God- and because of his love for us, love others. Are you really doing that by questioning my relationship with Jesus based on how I vote? No. You're not.
You want to get mad about something? Get mad about the fact that Jesus commanded us to care for the orphans and widows- but we don't protest our country's neglect of it's own people.
Get mad that there are THOUSANDS of girls that are searching for love so badly that they turn to sex and end up with unwanted pregnancies. Outlawing abortion isn't going to change that girl's need for love. People loving her is the only thing that can change that.
We'll probably not the vote the same way. And probably not agree on the issues at hand.But the fact that we disagree doesn't make one of us bad and one of us good. It doesn't make one of us right and the other wrong. And it certainly doesn't make one of us a Christian and the other not.
It just means we disagree. Which is ok. That's what makes this country great. We can disagree and it not be the end of the world.
Don't buy into the bipartisan lie that you have to hate your opponent. Jesus called us to love our enemies as ourselves. You really want to be a radical? Love the person that your disagre with- neither party will know how to handle that.