Almost by accident, I went to the Princess Diana Exhibit. It was in the same building as the Constitution exhibit, and tickets were cheaper if you bought for both exhibits.

So, when I had the chance to see this exhibit, I was way excited, even though I wasn't sure what it was going to contain.

Here's my embarrassing confession.
I cried.
Kinda teared up early on, but by the time I got to the room about her death/funeral, I was bawling. Tears running down my cheeks and sinus situation creeping to a very unattractive level.
It was bad- to the point that a woman stopped me to ask if I was ok.
When I got home, I told my mom about my trip- and told her that we'd have to go if it ever came to Atlanta.
Well, glory in the day- it's here. At the Atlanta Civic Center. Now until June.
You have to go. I'm sorry. You get no choice. It's amazing.
If you're not in Atlanta, I highly recommend you figure out when it's coming to a town near you.
Try to not cry.
Or take some tissues.
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